<div>Seems like its the sick babies and the bad babies that get all the attention I thought I would do a different kind of post</div>
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<div>Our Leonard AKA Lenny the good looking of of the panhandle puppies hehehehehe Petey</div>
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<div>is such a good boy..he is that squishy kind of soft and it so funny and gives suchgood bassidude looks he cracksme up everyday..he stays away from Jasmine cause she will growl at them but iffen jassy is picking on Lexie Leonard gets between themand cusses Jasmine out it is funny...I dont know why he loves Lexie like he does she langs off hs ear all day long hehehe</div>
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<div>He is so good and never causes trouble and often tattleson Lex..he is however Loud we have givenhimthe lastnameof loud cause his bark is a big bark</div>
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<div>He is a big talker and willing to bend your ear at any time..and he hates Farts hehehehe..iffen anyone human or otherwise does an audible fart he gets totally offended it is funny.</div>
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<div>He is the bestest boy in the whole wide world and welubb you Leonard!!!</div>
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<div>Mommy and Daddy...Bob the DOg he's okay for the humpty game, Jasmine get away fromme you little brat oh wait your wet let me lick that water off you mustn't be wet, and Lexie your my best friend just don't forget who's the boss...</div>