<p>Hi! I'm new to DD & not sure if I'm replying in the correct manner. I have a basset named Elvis who takes meds 2 times a day for his epilepsy. He was the same way about eating everything his meds were in but not the pills. So my hobby started sticking the pills as far down Elvis' throat ad he could get then takes a soft meat stick treat & holds it just far enough away that Elvis can lick it or nibble at it. This forces him to swallow those pills (Elvis has been know to spit out his pills quite some time after he had been given them). After a few seconds of "tempting" (I'm sure that's he thinks of it as torture), he gets the treat. I've not seen a partially dissolved pill or pill dust in the carpet since. <br>
Healing drool to all sick houndies and sick slaves. Heart-healing drool to all who've had a blessed basset make the trip to the Bridge (far too many lately). And God bless everyone!!! </p>