<TITLE>Morely report</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:14pt'>Morely has been to see Dr Jeanette Kelly. Our local Cancer vet. It seems that we have a complete animal cancer care hospital here in Santa Fe and Albuquerque.... Their approach – QUALITY of life for the animal.... They are wonderful. Dr Kelly won my approval immediately as she was onto the floor giving Morely belly rubs before she even introduced herself to us – I, of course, has 1 million and 6 questions the following day and they graciously and patiently returned my calls and answered every question – at least twice. I suspect they get a lot of questions form newbies like me.<BR>
She told us all the latest updates on malignant melanoma and all the possible approaches to treatment. We learned about a melanoma vaccine which slows down the growth of the cancer into his lungs and heart. We also learned that he will have very little to pain when the tumor gets into his lungs. He will feel lethargic and appear flu like symptoms and maybe even die peacefully in his sleep. Wouldn’t that be wonderful!?! We are doing the vaccine which is 1 treatment every other week for 4 weeks, then every 6 months. They have seen very good results with this approach. We are also doing a localized chemo treatment in his mouth as the tumor has already begun to grow back which we knew would probably happen. This is also done every other week for 4 weeks. This is the area that Dr Kelly said would be the most painful for him as the tumor grew into his jaw. They were totally compliant with our wishes that nothing invasive – no surgery, no xrays - no nothing that will might lengthen his life but at what cost to his being.<BR>
He did pretty well – very tired and somewhat uncomfortable the second day and each day since has been better. It’s been really outrageously hot for Santa Fe recently and I know the heat was also affecting hid general malaise. So, the boy is eating three delicious meals a day. Denise has made her super terrific chicken soup with garlic and tumeric for him. He’s being spoiled completely – if that’s possible to spoil him even more than he was already spoiled....<BR>
Thank you again to each of you who took the time to email me personally and send such good thoughtd and wishes for him (and us). He’s great, I’m okay and the rest of the family just keeps hanging in and on!<BR>
Leslie and Morely<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><FONT SIZE="1"><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:10pt'>Leslie Rich<BR>
Creative Wood Designs<BR>
Santa Fe, NM<BR>
505 470-2787<BR>
<a href="http://web.me.com/creativewooddesigns1">http://web.me.com/creativewooddesigns1</a><BR>
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