<div>Fanks Peaches for wishing us a Happy Gotcha day..my mommy is so happy we got gotted too..even iffen i am the most expensive doggy ever</div>
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<div>So far my medical bills are in excess of 12,000 dollars but I'm worth it!!! </div>
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<div>Then I made daddy drive me almost 5000 miles round trip to Michgun to be King</div>
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<div>But my mommmy looks into my eyes and sings you are my sunshine to me and lubbs me so much.</div>
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<div>and hers says iffen she had it all to do over again she wouldnt chance a thing..</div>
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<div>Lubb you guys</div>
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<div>King Bob the DOg..but you can call me Bobby</div>
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<div>Hi George BFITWWW</div>