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<div> This is Delilah Belle, shy gurl of the NJ4 pawin' in. First things first; Hi Conley!!! Snooters to you, <blush> Glad you and your brothers got your 'lectricity back on so you can enjoy lying in the coolness like I do. We have vents in the floor here in my home and I like to drag my bed right over top of it for maximum coolness, hehehe...<br>
Anyroo, I was excited to read that my furends Colt and Ruger not only keep the "Stans" out of their yard but guard against the vicious CHIPMONSTERS, also. We have 'em here, too. They run away when they see me and Dudley coming though. If Mama wouldn't be so slow we could get 'em before they hide in their hideyholes. Every time we try and get there fast she yells "You guys are going pull my arm out of the socket....STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" This spoils the fun 'cause we know she is the keeper of the most of the cookies. I keep waiting for a chance to 'scape. When I do they are DONE FOR!!!<br>
Drool to everyhoundie and human what needs it...<br>
Delilah Belle<br>
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