Piggy paws is doing well. She is back to her usual activity level
but she is reluctant to turn her head to the left. Her apetite
is a bit off but is easily restored by the addition of a bit of canned
"Sunday Supper" or tripe to her kibble.<br /><br />We are
currently houndsitting for a pair of sisters who have been active in the
spouse's 4-H obedience classes. Neither of them will eat - tripe or
no tripe. The tend to be a bit nervous and one of them was attacked
by a dog in the past and is terrified of strange dogs. Now, I don't
thing our dogs are particularly strange, at least for bassets, but poor
Scout is hainv a heck of a time. Last evening, Miss Bertha climbed
into her crate her for a snuggle and a nap. Poor Scout sat
bolt upright with eyes like saucers until we convinced Bertha to go sleep
with someone else. I suspect the sisters will get hungry before
their slaves return in 10 days, and will agree to at least nibble on
something.<br /><br />crazy basset lady<br />MAKE DROOL NOT WAR <br /><br
/>Please take time to visit these websites: <br />Rebec Bassets at <br
/>www.rebecbassets.com <br />Basset Buddies Rescue, Inc. at
www.bbrescue.org <br /><br />