<div>Dear Commander Bo, </div>
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<div>This is Geoffrey, Molly, and Henry reporting for duty if you'll have us. We'll need to be in the Eastern Divison of the Pacific Feet because we live just a few blocks from the Navy Yard in Washington DC. We would like to volunteer as follows:</div>
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<div>Geoffrey: Geoffrey would like to be considered as a SEABEE Engineering Aid, both in honor of our Mom's Uncle Joe who died in December and was a SEABEE and because I am an engineer extraordinaire. Before we moved and became city dogs I had a fantastic hole in my backyard under the deck. I would spend hours just staring at it from every angle, then I would go in and lie down on the couch and think. And then the next time I went out I would dig more -- add more chambers and more entrances. Right before we moved Mom filled in in, and wouldn't you know that the day the movers came and I was locked in the backyard I went out and dug it out again!</div>
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<div>Molly: Molly would like to be a Hospital Corpsman specializing in puppies. I am the surrogate mom of the dog park -- all of the puppies come up to me and kiss me and I comfort them.</div>
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<div>Henry: Henry would like to be a Lookout -- he is constantly on guard and BARKS, BARKS, BARKS at everything, whether it is a threat or not. Bark first and ask questions later is Henry's motto.</div>
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<div>Please let us know if we are accepted for duty! We especially want to help WMBRI help all of the hounds that they take care of!</div>