Hi,<br><br>I'm mom to Snugs, an 8 yo sweetie/terrorist girl who has become the focal point of life in our house since we adopted her from Droopy Basset Rescue a little over a year ago. <br><br>This morning she went out for a poop, had a normal-looking stool then immediately went flat and began shivering. Her stomach didn't appear distended at all and she didn't vomit but,after about 10 15 minutes, it occurred to me that I should give her Gas-X in case of bloat and then called my vet. I should explain that I would have taken her in right away were it not for the fact that I'm paying off a several thousand dollar vet bill, incurred when I had to care for and lost two very sick dogs just as I became unemployed last year. And if she had shown obvious bloat symptoms, she would have gone in no matter what. I'm now waiting for a call back from the vet.<br>
<br>10-15 minutes after getting the Gas-X, Snugs started to improve and about 45 minutes later she was definitely on her way back to normal. I know that she could have had a number of things going on, not necessarily bloat. My questions are: Does simethicone ever mask symptoms leading up to bloat, hiding the fact that it's still an urgent problem? Can it resolve bloat if given early enough?<br>
<br>One more thing...I had Gas-X in the house in the form of dissolving strips that contain 62 mg of simethicone. It was so easy to just slip them under her lip without risking the bite that's often a possibility with Snugs. Although I don't know why it wouldn't be the same, I hope it's just as effective in dogs as the other forms.<br>
<br>Thanks for any input - this is a wonderful community and a great source of information and laughs!<br><br>Susan - no wonder I'm broke...see below<br>Andrew - two-legged brother and friend to dogs Snugs, Chubb, Walker (atb), KayKay (atb) and cats Robin, Patrick, Pearl, Rufous, Lucy, Bunny and Phoebe Fluffy-Butt (atb too soon)<br>
Snugs - I think I'm ok now [^^]<br>_________________________<br><br><font size="4"><i><span style="font-family: garamond,serif;">Susan Booker Catering</span></i></font> <br>Susan Viles Booker<br>21 Fulton Ave<br>Stewartstown, PA 17363<br>
<br>717.993.0415<br>410.371.3740<br><a href="http://www.susanbookercatering.com">www.susanbookercatering.com</a><br><a href="http://www.susanbookercatering.etsy.com">www.susanbookercatering.etsy.com</a><br clear="all"><br>