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<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>Me hab decided dat it must hab been a
plan attak by da Squirrelstan to injure </FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT
size=2 face=Antique>both da </FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2
face=Antique>Mommas </FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>of
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>Ruger an we. Da Squirrelstan
Terrorists hab must hab a plan to take out we slaves an dis
</FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>can no be
tolerated! </FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>Why dey ebben kidnap we Nelly Belle
last nite fur nickzillun hours. Nelly Belle da
</FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>Momma velcro nurse gurl an
nebber like leavin her, speshully now. Dey set da
trap </FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>an lure her into
da </FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique> blackburry
</FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>bushes an trap her. Wen
Nelly Belle no come in Momma all werried. Da
</FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>Momma hobble to da back door
</FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>an call her an call her an
call her. </FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>Finally Nelly Belle got da gag
</FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>loose an sound da alarm.
Shultzy </FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>sound da alarm ober
den fence an den da whole nayborhood sound da alarm. We no
able</FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>to get to we USO gal..
so Big Sis hab to go to ober to naybor house an</FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>git we gurl out ob da stickers. Gud
thing dem terrorist sleepin or da git her, den we be in reel
fix.</FONT></STRONG> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>We are glad that Colt an
Ruger Momma be OK but we is now need permishun
</FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>ob
</FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>da PBF an ASTT HQ
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>to </FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2
face=Antique>declare </FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>all out
war on dem sneeky no gud $^)#*#&%$ in we territory. Dis just
unacceptable dat dey tryin</FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>to take out we slabes. We also
hearin ob attacks around da Norf CA on udder slaves causin falls. Me fire
up da </FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>Black Hawk heelichopper, an Bazzle,
da Ridge Runner loadin up nuff ammo to take </FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT size=2
face=Antique>out all terrorist here. We just need da okay from
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique></FONT></STRONG> </DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>End of repawt,</FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>Sadie Maye, SBS, DHGPL, Ace Pilot Black
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique></FONT></STRONG> </DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>P.S. We send Healing Drool to all
in need. Momma thank you for all da drool. Her is feelin bit better
an able to </FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=2 face=Antique>hobble wit da walker little bit
now. We watchin her so no more terrorists try an take we slave out