Holly Noelle,<br><br><font size="2"><font face="trebuchet ms,sans-serif">We are sending los and los of Drool for your Auntie Addie. We know how scary those rotten tumors are, as our butler has one. He's always telling everyone how he cannot imagine what it would be like to not have u round to take care of him.<br>
<br>After the surgery, you might ask the hospital if you can go see her. Boomer was the only Basset that our Butler had at the time; but after his pulmonary embolism, they allowed him into see our Daddy.<br><br>Houndie Hugs and Snooter Kisses from the Caspaw Cwew!<br>
<br>In Drool,<br><br>Babe: <a href="http://dogster.com/dogs/261208">dogster.com/dogs/261208</a><br>Boomer: <a href="http://dogster.com/dogs/235129">dogster.com/dogs/235129</a><br>Arnie: <a href="http://dogster.com/dogs/281040">dogster.com/dogs/281040</a><br>
Shannon (an absolute, total, complete BassetCase) <br>Facebook: <a href="http://facebook.com/shannon.r.gerdel">facebook.com/shannon.r.gerdel</a><br>MySpace.com/shannongerdel<br><br clear="all"></font></font>Mr. Shannon R. Gerdel<br>
3583 Meadowlark Drive<br>Casper, WY<br>82604<br><a href="mailto:bassethoundbutler@gmail.com">bassethoundbutler@gmail.com</a><br>(307) 472-0163<br>