Hewwo...dis Sophie and I gotz a story to tell yous about dem squirrels! First, I tell you dat I am stealth...I iz da hunter! Not like sister Diva what runs over fast and does the "Bark! Bark! Bark!" and not like sister Molly what spended most her life in a cage and don't know nuttin about how to catch no squirrel. Dat leaves Sophie. Good thing i'z a hunter! So da odder day, I seez him...up in dat tree, hangin on momma's birdie feeder, stealin da goodies for da birds, an I say "oh no fat squirrel, you not gonna stay on MY tree!" So I do the sneeky...down reeeeel low to da floor, I crowch looooooow and I go just a little bit, den just a little bit, an den just a little bit, till I right under dat fat squirrel. But he no see me, cause I iz a hunter! Den, with all my hunter skillz, I POUNCE on dat squirrel and BAM it takes off runnin across the yard and up the other tree!!! I runz after it and I take a BIG BITE and...I got three of it's fat red squirrel hairs...and dat stupid squirrel got away. I get him next time, you betcha! <br>
<br>Ahrrooooooooooo!!!!! <br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Jessica Sutton<br>Momma to Diva, Sophie (da Hunter) and Molly <br>