First of all, drool to those who need it! I've been away from the drool for most of the summer, had spring classes, and then have been working 50-65 hrs a week, leaving not much time for reading the drool. But, we'll be keeping up better from here on out! So sorry to hear of the hounds that have left for the bridge, and happy to read about all the new hounds being added to the families, and all the work that everyone is doing to help save them! We're also sending "no fires!" drool to CA & MT to help them avoid the summer burn this year!<br>
<br>You're probably wondering what Joey thinks about all the extra hours. He's actually currently at "Summer Camp" AKA visiting his grandpawrents in IL. He's running around w/the other 3 dogs in their pack, and they're doing their best to fatten him up a bit, as he got really skinny by this summer! Apparently even though I stopped the green beans, his activity level was still much higher than the fat content of his kibble. What a change to need a HIGHER fat diet!! Joey has reportedly been enjoying his time visiting w/his grandpawrents, we spent 2 years living with them, so he probably does enjoy being at his old home. But, I miss his big butt something fierce! I'll be repawcurring him next weekend!<br>
<br>In the mean time, since there was a message about filling the run sheet a few days ago, that brings us to my next big secret... I've adopted Joey Hound a sister. Compared to him, she's TINY! Though, she could use some meat on her bones! Her name is Emma, and she's from OMBR. Thanks to Menzie Campbell, Jan Marchlewski, Tanya Kitrell, Kathy Smola, & a number of other individuals I don't think are droolers, we were able to get her up here to OH, and then I drove her to MI this weekend. Seriously, the stars aligned for this one! By 7 pm on friday, we were still missing 2 legs, and then just 2 short hrs later, I got a message saying we were a go!! I don't know how Tanya did it (she said LOTS of begging & pleading, and her knees are tired, from being on them begging!) but she did work a miracle & got it filled in the 11th hr! If anyone is ever looking for a way to volunteer for rescue (basset or any others!) transporting is an awesome way to do it! Usually the legs are short, about an hr or so, and the only cost is some time & gas. Plus, it helps to get dogs to new homes & rescues across the country. Many, many thanks to everyone who took a part in the transport, overnighting, pulling her, etc! And if I forgot to mention anyone, no one take it personally please, I worked an overnight shift, got an hr nap & drove 260 mi round trip already today, and my brain has turned to mush!<br>
<br>Emma is my first girl dog that I've ever owned. I know that many stories I've read on the drool lead me to believe that most houndettes are "diva dogs," but she's so mild mannered & laid back! Snored most of the way home to MI, and the other people I heard from said that she just kinda sat there & didn't make a peep! I was told she's about 7 1/2 or so (though, her records look like maybe closer to 6-ish? Hard to tell, I know, but middle aged sounds right regardless of which one's right!), and she was abandoned at a vet's office in Arkansas. She's just a little thing, not quite 40 lbs, and Joey's going to make her look REALLY small, because he's so tall! She also has a pension for belly rubs! She nearly rolled down a hill at the Cracker Barrel where I picked her up at, going belly up for belly rubs! Hopefully she'll settle in well, & her & my Joey Hound will be meeting next weekend in western MI, when I meet my parents to repawcure him. I'm sure they'll get along famously, they seem to be at the same energy level (as she's currently zonked out cold, with an earflap over her eyes!) Some photos of her are here: she's primarily red & white, a deep mohagany brown, but there's some black on the big spot on her right hip & also on her tail. Her face is slightly faded, so she's starting to get some age to her. Hopefully she'll enjoy her time here, and look at it as her "retirement home."<br>
<br>Sorry this is so long winded, just had a lot of catching up to do!<br>-- <br>-Karrie, momma to Joey & Slater (ATB), Aunty to Checkers, Domino & Crispin (wb)<br><br>Joey's dogster page: <a href=""></a><br>