okay does anyone know why Lilly would be insisting on rolling in Santana's poop? She did this yesterday evening, 1st time ever. <br>This morning nothing, my dad came to let them out at 1pm and he was out there and nothing. I get home<br>
feeling the sink with water, let them out. I am watching through the
window and see her stalking Mr Pants like he is pooping gold.<br>
She picks up a piece in her mouth...I run out there and GOoo Noooooo!
Then remember the water is running in the sink go turn that off.<br>I
clean up what poop is there, and notice hmmmmmm stuff on her ear and
neck....arrrghhhh LILLY!!! Get the hose, then realize that is not going
to work I need soap....she follows me upstairs to the bath tub where I
shower her off and wash her ear and neck with soap.<br>
<br>Why why why? Is there a female in season? Could it be because I was gone for a few days and her routine messed up even though she was with Daddy? She is the alpha so not sure why she wants to smell like a non alpha. Is she hunting something (Santana?)<br>
<br>I am at a loss..now i have to follow around with a shovel at any attempt Pants makes at a poop.<br clear="all"><font color="#888888">
</font><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Anitra | Momma To the Hounds |<br>Santana Mr Pants & Lilly Belle Rose<br>~~La Casa De Pantalones~~<br><br>"My family is not confined to mother, mate, and child; but it includes all creatures be they tame or wild; my family upon this earth includes all living things, on land, or in the ocean deep, or borne aloft on wings.~ Alicia S. Carpenter"<br>