<div>I haven't posted for a couple of years, but am trying to get back in the "Basset Swing". So to start, here is my bassets' twain song. We live 2 blocks from the mainline for the Southern Pacific Railroad and there is a switching station just north of town. We get up to 20 trains through daily. The bassets sing with them all. If the windows are open, the chihuahua, Pearl, adds her high soprano. Their favorite is the AmTrak whistle. Needless to say, they are never outside at night!</div>
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<div>To the tune of Singin' in the Rain (ahem, cough,cough....that's Mikey Drool Meister clearing his throat)</div>
<p><br>Doo-dloo-doo-doo-doo<br>Doo-dloo-doo-doo-doo-doo <br>Doo-dloo-doo-doo-doo-doo <br>Doo-dloo-doo-doo-doo-doo...<br><br>We's singin' wif da twain<br>Jest singin' wif da twain<br>What a gworious feelin'<br>
We's ahrooin' agin<br>We's laughin' at da clouds<br>As twain's speed by<br>The whistle's in our hearts<br>And we fink we kin fly<br>Let our melodic ahroos<br>Wake ebberyone in town<br>Come on wif more twain<br>
We gotta smile, not frown<br>We sing eben in da rain<br>With a happy refrain<br>Jest singin',<br>Singin' 'n dancin' wif da twain</p>
<p>Love and tons for Drool Meister Drool to all in need. I have missed this group and will try to keep up.</p></div>
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<div> Janis Whitsett-Watts<br>Mikey (<a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/194598" target="_blank">www.dogster.com/dogs/194598</a>)<br>Libby (<a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/308603" target="_blank">www.dogster.com/dogs/308603</a>)<br>
Sadie (<a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/308616%5D)RIP" target="_blank">www.dogster.com/dogs/308616])RIP</a><br>Pearl</div>
<div>Ginger Brown, the baddest basset in the whole damn town!<br></div>