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<DIV>hehehehehe , why mommy dun tookus fur a walk last night and wen we
cum home she lets us run round back yard, so she sez, " hmmmm lots of
dog nuggets out here better clean dem up, " so she goes gets dat
poop bucket, while she be bend in ober a big bee landed on her
shirt and she gotz stung on her arm. right where her arm is fatty and
hangs down like dem wings on dem birds sensitive momma calls it ! so den
dis morning, she takes us out back too poo , she bee walkin us on dat leash
watch in fur dem bees again and WHAM she dun fall down
ober the garden fence and hit her noggin on dat tomato plant stake dat our daddy
built, momma sez dey hold up Mt Everest dey so strong and she bit her
tongue again. she beez really mad and she be speakin in a foreign tongue , we
nebber heard ob dat language before and she bee cussin out daddy
bout him tomato stakes . an cussin out dem bees too ! Mooma sez she ready fur da
snow !!!!!!!!</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Maggie Wags and Evil Annie, we beez baby sitting fur mommy all dey,
why she gotz FAT Tongue, a knot on her Noggin and a reeeeeeely big red
welt on her arm frum dat bee sting !</DIV>
<DIV>Annie you gets da ice and da moobie machine, I getz da wine and
snackies </DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>