.hmmessage P
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Like Karen I to wish the bridge would close for awhile. Whenever I read about one of our furends going to the bridge I get a little leaky around the eyes too. Being a guy and growing up when we were basicly told men don't cry it's alittle embarassing to be sitting having lunch and get wet cheeks because some dog I've never even met has left us. The worst part is I have been told of people dying that has had no effect on me at all but when I read about the Bassets leaving for the Bridge I feel sad and lonely. I guess I'm Just weird<BR><BR>
My only strange encounter really has nothing to do with dogs but I'm going to share it anyway. My dad was a carpenter and worked repairing garage doors. He always had alot of spare parts around and built his own door opener out of them. One day after he left us the opener brokee down. I knew what part was needed to fix it and knew there was one left somewhere in the garage. I looked and looked for several days and was just unable to find it. Then I just looked up and said "OK dad where did you put it." right after that I walked right up to the bin it was in and found the part. To the day I'm sure My dad came and led me to it and noone is going to tell me differrent.<BR>
Well remembering my dad and all the dogs at the bridge is making me leaky again. Drool to all in need(There are ,Unfortunately; way too many to list individually). Now I going to solicit some comfort from my houndies.<BR>
<BR>Anthony R. Kenczewicz Bubba,Penny and Cooper<BR><BR><BR> </body>