<div>Healing drool for Droopy and his vestibular disease -- we're glad to hear you're doing a little better and hope it continues.</div>
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<div>Linda, I was so happy to hear Tony is doing better and hope he'll be home with you and Buddy Love soon.</div>
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<div>Drool for poor Shadow and her insect bite in a most unfortunate place....</div>
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<div>Congratulations Clara and Rolph on your big race wins. I loved their costumes -- thank you Sally for sending the pictures -- they really brightened my day.</div>
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<div>Drool for Jake and his spider bite, and for Truman Grammer -- hope your back is better soon.</div>
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<div>Jackie, grief follows its own schedule and a loss of a beloved person or animal can never be "replaced" -- don't be embarrassed. Pierre Sr. was very special to you, and you're still grieving. I'm so sorry.</div>
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<div>And finally drool for Colt and Ruger's Daddy. I think the only answer is for him to come home so you guys can look after him properly. He has had a time of it this year. Laura (Geoffrey, Molly, Henry, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>