<div>Hey eberybuddy - lass nite me n my brudder Bob, gotted somefing we neber had before...tacoe salad...well we wusnt suppozed to hab it but mommy habbed bin runnin aroun da houze doin stuffs like laundree, pickin up poopie in da yard and outta dem boxes da kitties use for dere baffroom, and stuffs like dat. Daddy brotted her home dis fingy in a white plestic bag..it smelled so gud - me and Bob was sniffin and dwoolin and sttin dere by dat bag on da cownter in de kishun. </div>
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<div>Mommy sed finally her was awl dun wif de chores so she got dis bootfiul smellin fink outtta da bag and putted stuffs on top ob it and then her says to me and Bob, dere now, i got dis zactly the way I want it..and her leff de room...L-E-F-F de room!!!! Bob looked at me and sez weally quiet like, less just sit here a minit and see if her comes back wite away so we did...and we waited and waited and no mommy yet...so Bob standsup on his tippy toes and wraps hims lippers around de edge of de box dis fing was in and eber so gentlee pulls it offen de cownter!!! Holy Sh*t!! oh sorree, i'm not suppozed to say dat werd...in a flash wif her eyes all red and on fire and her mouf WIDE open roarin at we, her flies into de room and sez a buncha a bad werds..I told Bob letz hoober dis stuff up wealy fast cuz her is goin ta take it awey!! We gotted sum of it and it was so gud!!!!</div>
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<div>Momperson here, I must have been really tired and out of it to leave my salad so close to the edge of the counter...I was in the bedroom changing into my jammies when I heard a loud thump and I just knew immediately what had happened!! So here I am half out of my bra (one boob in and one out) running through the house yelling NO NO NO!!! All I could think of was the salad had onions on it and of course I don't want the boys eating them..Thank god the kitchen is on the backside of the house and our yard is totally fenced in - nobody had to witness the scary site of an old fat lady running through her house with her chest hanging out...</div>
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<div>Love my boys so much !! It is never boring!!</div>
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<div>Debbie, Momperson to Homer and Bob </div>