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Once again, I may be getting in trouble, but please don't condemn me for BETTER LIVING THROUGH CHEMICALS! I am referring to flea control. I have adopted a heartworm positive dog. I have rescued dogs so flea ridden that their bath water has run red with blood. No dog of mine will ever contract heartworm disease while in my care, or suffer with fleas.<BR>
How do I do this miraculous thing, you ask? I TREAT FOR HEARTWORM AND FLEAS. Every month, no fail. My dogs are all on Sentinnel. Novaritis runs lots of good specials and rebates, and with 6 dogs, you had better believe I take advantage of them all. My vet meets the prices I find on line at discount pet pharmacies if I print and prove their prices.<BR>
We spray the yard quarterly (horrors! chemicals! BUT NO FLEAS OR TICKS). We even have pest control in the house several times a year. Of course I remove the dogs, let everything dry, and am very careful to remove toys and water dishes. But we live in Florida and I will not have bugs on my dogs or in my house or yard. I am just funny that way.<BR>
I won't even mention that we are feeding therapeutic garlic (NO IT WON'T KILL YOUR DOGS). I get it from Springtime, Inc., a company that specializes in human supplements as well as those for dogs and horses. Garlic is an anti-inflammatory as well as a deterent for all buggies.<BR>
There. Sorry, I could not help myself. But hearing of a person flea bathing and a vet saying there is nothing more to be done to take care of the fleas - just had to respond!<BR><BR><BR>
<DIV><EM><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive">GinnyTata-Phillips, co-author of DOGKU, PETKU , BASSETKU , RESKU and HORSEKU!</FONT></EM></DIV>
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