I know exactly how you feel about Nelly. I have become so frustrated with Mazzie too. Mazzie will urinate every single night in the house without fail. We took her to the vet over and over having her tested for UTI. Mazzie was adopted at 2 from the Humane Society. Like Nelly, Mazzie has ruined our very large living rom carpet, our office carpet, and many dog beds. There is also a recliner that everyone refuses to sit in due to her laying in it. It seems like we cannot get the smell of uine out of our house. We clean carpets at least once a month, which is not good for the carpet. We use Nature's Miracle too. We did find out that Mazzie has fusion from L1 in her back down though. The vet is unsure if her nerve for urinating is caught up in there or pinched in there ever-so-often. There are many options out there for medical treatment such as hormones for spay incontinence that the vet may treat with or herbal remedies. We have tried all with Mazzie and some seem to work for 3 days and then right back to urinating. You could try diapers. We bought a washable diaper and use a human incontinence pad in there. She would take it off. So, we used baby pins with the pokey part out, she still got it off. Our carpets were new 6 years ago when we bought our house. Now they are stained up and it's embarrasing to get company. My husband and I are frustrated too. We even thought she had bladder cancer and spent alot of money on testing for that in January. Came back negative. We've spent alot money on testing for her. She was abused in the past and would also submissively urinate when we first got her. A man with dark hair must have done something to her as she gets very scared and barks still 6 years later at anyone that comes over with dark hair. We have our bad day and our good days--mostly bad for the urinating. We just can't seem to let her leave the family though, even though we are frustrated beyond belief. She is a member of the family as much as our other 4 hounds are. Good luck to you with Nelly.<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>DRool to all in need,<br>Dee, <br>Maggie, Mazzie, Oliver, Cooper,& Harvey<br>