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<DIV>My Maggie Wags has terrible allergies and even though she takes
desensitizing shots, this year has been a bad year, she actually got a staph
infection from the scratching on her neck , you know where the folds are and no
air gets to it. any ways, I just bought a new shampoo for my girls I bought it
at pets supply plus and it is called " ITCHY DOG "
it has tea tree oil, flaxseed oil, oatmeal and aloe vera and chamomile
<DIV>I love it, it leaves them soft and seems to help with the redness and
itching, and it smells good also, you can use it often . I was impressed and
that doesn't happen often with me.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Debbie, sounds like Henry got bit by a Brown Recluse My brother who
lives in Florida almost loss his dog from being bitten, the dog did
have to have his leg amputated . we will keep Henry in our prayers and sling
some drool too ! please keep us posted.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>we are praying for the return of the lost Basset to his owner, please
be sure to recheck the animal shelters I will tell you this, the
one here in Toledo finds these dogs on the street and within three days
they are adopted out to new owners. the Humane Society here tries to
find and return the dogs to their owners ! NOT SO with the
Animal shelter, whole different set of rules for that program.like a revolving
door !</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Marlene mommy to Maggie wags and Evil Annie( i'm not eveil
anymore, mommy say's I am </DIV>
<DIV>ex-zoo-ber-ant meez gotz da ZEST fur life