Thank you all so much for the drool. Henry had a restful night. He
<br> seemed to have a few problems. One, when the vet tried to open his
<br> mouth, he would yelp and she heard a pop. Then she felt the swelling
<br> on the side of his neck and it was very hard. After her appointments,
<br> she sedated him and finally got his mouth open but had to luxate (?)
<br> his jaw and popped it back into place so that it doesn't pop anymore.
<br> She intubated him and had trouble getting the tube down his throat. <br>Come to find out, he has an abscess that is covering 70-75% of his <br>throat which is why he sounded like a freight train going through the <br>
house when he slept. X-rays
were taken to see if there was something <br>that had punctured his throat but, she could see nothing. She sent <br>them off to the
radiologist this morning to see if he sees anything. <br>He also has hard swelling on the neck area. To me it seems a little <br>bigger today than last night. She did notice that when she shaved his <br>neck where it was swollen, 3 tiny red dots/tiny punctures.She is really <br>
stumped as to
what could have caused this. I took him home about 9 <br>last night so that I could keep a good eye and ear on him. She did give <br>him a good shot of steroids for the swelling and a healthy shot of antibiotics.
<br> He had not eaten or drunk anything since Monday night. When we got
<br> home he headed straight to the water dish and drank enough to float a
<br> boat. I then gave him some of the c@t food the Vet had given me for
<br> him and he did manage to eat almost the entire can. This morning he
<br> ate and drank and took his pills. My friends on the Drool have all said <br>that it sounds like a spider bite and I am in agreement. I have a call <br>into the vet to discuss this with her. Boy, I love all of you, You are all <br>
more help than I can say. Please keep Hen in your thoughts. He still<br>is a pretty sick little guy. Been a rough two months for Henry and Thelma. <br>I will write about my Sweet Senior later. Thank you again for all the drool and <br>
good thoughts. It really is powerful stuff. <br> Pam
<br> Henry & Thelma