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<DIV>We are going to need a little bit of Drool for my Maggie Wags, she is
going in to have her teeth cleaned this Thursday. She is still on the low
dose of Preds and she has two more Baytril to take and I have to put Sulferdeen
on her neck twice a day, it smells terrible but seems to be helping. they
are also going to X-Ray her bad elbow while she is under sedation to see
how that is doing, I feel so bad for her, she takes the desensitizing
shots for her allergies which really help, but this has been the worse
year ever and she has had a horrible reaction to the grass this
year. I try to limit her time outside because she wants to lay in the grass
which is a big No No !!!!!!!</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Jackie, I loved the video of the hounds, that Piere is a hoot
!!!! he would get a long great with Evil Annie, she does the same thing to
Maggie, runs around the house like a maniac trying to get Maggie to chase
<DIV>I can ship her to you if you want another hound ?????? Bwahahahahahah
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>My two girls have no aggression towards each other at all, NEVER NADA
!!!!!! my first Basset was food aggressive and Lucy & my
Miniature Dachshund use to really get into the fights, Lucy my
Basset always started it. and fergie would not back down Dachshunds are little
mighty mites small with a BIG DOG attitude ! but Maggie and Annie
are great, they take toys away from each other, they eat out of each
others bowls, they are great with each other absolutely NO aggression at
all of any kind</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>went to a class reunion picnic on Saturday , one of our class mates
had a get together for those of us who still live around here, about 35 or 40
people, everyone having a great time, laughing about the old days
and damn if I didn't step on a dogs tail , scared the shit out of me and I fell
into the damn in ground swimming pool !!!!! YES I DID !!!!!! thank God it
was heated, because it was cold here on Saturday. Of course everyone was
laughing and they all said " you haven't changed one bit in over 40
years Marlene " like did they think I did it on purpose ??????
Thank Goodness Bill wasn't with me, he would have melted into the cement with
embarrassment ! so the hostess gave me some sweats to wear
which is another sight, as she is 6 ft 5 and I am 5 ft 4 so I looked like
a little WEEBLE walking around in her sweats but she dry my clothes
for me. they all want me to come to the home coming game next week,
HELL NO I would probably fall out of the bleachers !!!!!!! Maybe I shuld
train my girls to be therapy dogs, hehehe hahahah
walking behind them is like trying to walk behind a run away
Clydesdale !!!!! WHOA !!!! WHOA !!!!!! Damn
it STOP !!!!!!</DIV>
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<DIV>Marlene mommy to Maggie Wags and Exuberant E.