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<P class=MsoNormal>Dearest Honeydew Melon. Momma, What’s our snail mail
addy? Hold on women I can’t paw the pawboard that fast. Ok got it.
What? Okay. Momma said that she will e-mail it to your momma’s
personal e-mail…I‘ll have my slave get with your slave and work out the
details…heheheAAARRHOOOO! I so funny!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal>Now you need to send me a little note to tell me when your
special days are & your snail mail addy. Maybe I have the momma make
you some chicken jerky and watermelon ice cubes to send to you. Okay maybe
not the watermelon ice cubes…they melt before they get to you…I think of
something nice to send to you…Maybe some Bar-B-Q squirrel cookies! Mmmm
they real good. Ms. Nicole at 3 Dogs & a Chick dog bakery makes
them..should be 3 Bassets & a Chick but we not hold that against her…She
make darn good cakes and cookies, and supports the military war dogs and
homeless doggies, she’s a good human.<o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal>My birthday is 9 Jul 2007 (Ruger’s to…momma says that we are
the wonder twins)<o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal>My Gotcha day is 3 Sep 2007 (that be Ruger’s also)
Momma thinks that she picked me…what hooeewie, I was sitting in the doorway
waiting for her to turn down the hallway to see me, I had her at hello!
I’m charming like that Jerry McGuire fellow. Hehe…she never knew what hit
her. Anyhowl, I loves & misses you very much. Loves Always
Colt<o:p> </o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal>What a beautiful tribute to Clover. She was truly a
special hound. May she live forever in the magic of your memories. </P>
<P class=MsoNormal>Riche, I love your post. This is why I can’t be a
foster momma. I would never give them up and the next thing you know I
would be on the verge of becoming a hoarder. So I have put a strict limit
of 2 hounds on myself. I love animals and have ever since I was born, at
least that’s what my mom tells me. I am never as happy as I am when I am
around animals. I think that it is because there is nothing fake about them…they
don’t try to blow smoke up your butt, they are always up front and
honest. </P>
<P class=MsoNormal><o:p>B</o:p>ev, Sounds like one of my neighbors
adventures, Auntie Shirley is a huge animal lover and she is mean as
hell when it comes to protecting animals. A few years ago she saw a dog
that had puppies and they were not being cared for properly (very little food or
water, out in the cold with a rickety dog house no straw, or blankies) The
dogs “home” was across the street from where she worked at. Anyway Shirley
caught the momma & the pups wondering off of the property in search of food
and went in for the rescue of the dog & the puppies. Putting food and
water out for them and then putting them all in her SUV to take home. The momma
was spayed as soon as the pups were weaned and Shirley fostered all of them
until she could find them proper homes…Shirley interrogates potential
adopters worse than a security team doing a TOP Secret Clearance on someone.
One of the pups, (Hope) is now one of Colt & Rugers next door
neighbors…and is spoiled rotten…as she should be.</P>
<P class=MsoNormal>Michele Momma to the Bad A** Basset Brothers