First off I totally don't understand the comment my boyfriend has a terrior so we can't get a rescue...this makes no since at all..unless he has what I call a Terrorer hehehe and even then an adult dog would stand a better chance..<div>
<br></div><div>So I would like clarification on that comment...please</div><div><br></div><div>but for the puppys from a store or whatever..we got both our puppys from rescue and neither of them suffered life altering situations before we got them</div>
<div><br></div><div>we have Leonard who is Pete in floridas brother..yes they did start off in a puppy mill and had fleas and less than good living conditions but Basset Rescue of Florida saved them, nurtured them and found them super homes (right GInny hehehehe)..Leonard doesnt know that the silver spoon that is in his mouth wasnt born there..</div>
<div><br></div><div>and then there is Lexie (who could give your terrier a run for his money) admittedly most rescues dont get to be born and weened at one of the best and experienced breeder homes around the area..but Lexie did..she came to rescue in her mommy and has never known anything but the best..being lucky enough to land at her aunt sylvies home she was nurtured like a fine show basset..and she has the additude to show for it hehehhehe</div>
<div><br></div><div>So purebred Basset Puppys are available...</div><div><br></div><div>but I degress..personally I think you can have a rescue whether your boyfriend has a terrier or not..and I believe our dogs who leave us send us clues to a new dog to get..they come in the stranges an email from a friend or a visit to the humane society that you dont know why you went...but someday your baby will send you one that jut tugs on your heart and no matter how many times you close the email or leave the shelter you cant get that face out of your mind..then you know its time and this is the right hound</div>
<div><br></div><div>sometimes that happens the day our baby leaves us..sometimes in 6 weeks..sometimes a year...but it always happens if you leave yourself open for the signs..</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>