.hmmessage P
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Dewey here. <br><br>I am soo glad you guys mentioned this. I had no idea that those . . . those . . . . THINGS that I find in Mommy's garden are part of the conspiracy! I got some yesterday! Mommy thought I was just trolling for tomatoes, but I had a nest of them! I gots them out and ATE them! Is it wrong to eat the enemy? I also digs up those tunnel things and try and get the big ones. Mostly I have to let my brudder, DeVille, who is a c@t but is okay anyway, get the big ones. He is allowed to stay out at night and get the ones that sneaks around in the dark. I help Mommy while she does a dance on the squishy parts of the lawn where I can smell 'em!<br><br>Getting a bit cold for the underwater critter eliminating, so I will switch to above ground for now. <br><br>Doing my part, Dewey<br> </body>