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<div> Diane - How wonderful that the little buppie you are getting has a small percentage of vision left which he will most likely keep! Bless you for taking on this challenge as many people would or could not. I look forward to hearing how he is doing.<br>
Bev - I hope that Conley was a big boy and strutted his stuff. We Droolers know he's a beautiful Basset specimen; I hope he impressed the judges as much! <br>
Thinking of all who have lost their houndies lately. Heart healing drool coming your way.<br>
Debbie W. - As always, I love reading about the adventures in your house. I had such a visual of Elder Clara glaring then "gifting" you on the way back to her perch. Riding the mop indeed...LOL<br>
Marilyn - Glad to know that the HOPpers will be able to get the dentals they need plus some treats. All of the senior hound photos were wonderful. I love seeing the photos on your FB page, also. Keep up your good work.<br>
It's beautiful, crisp fall weather here in my corner of NJ. Blue skies, a nice breeze... just perfect. The hounds have lots more energy...Yesterday all four ran happily around the dog park for nearly an hour. I think I might actually see the hint of a waist again on Daisy Belle. Life is good...<br>
Sandi, Mamaslave to the NJ4<br>
Daisy, Delilah, Dozer and Dudley<br>
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