<div><font size="2"><font face="verdana,sans-serif">I spent two days at the Nationals -most people spend a week but I drove back and forth. It is a beautiful spot with lots of green space to walk the hounds. It is always fun to see so many truly elegant hounds in one place, wearing their snoods,tails waving happily. What could be better? Lots of treats (after all, everyone has bait tucked away in a pocket someplace) tons of admiring people-- belly rubs and "hands on"-- puppies everyplace, stumbling and wagging frantically. A hundred butts to sniff (by the hounds) and almost no snarking. Conley checked every butt hoping to find just one that had that delicious "I'm yours" odor, but those girls, if any were in season, were carefully segregrated.</font></font></div>
<div><font size="2"><font face="verdana,sans-serif">And the colors! Between the beginning of the fall trees and the myriad colors of the dogs, red and whites, tris, black and tans, lemons--the snoods added a unique touch. Sparkles and sequins, veils and sunshades-- stars and stripes and flowers and prints and plaids and formal and informal...</font></font></div>
<div><font size="2"><font face="verdana,sans-serif">I was there mostly with my co-owner, who showed Conley one day and then her assistant showed Conley the second day. Sandi Wittinberg there with her ten Red Bay dogs: from beautiful Norm to her proud Veteran. Thank you, Sandi, for the help in getting Conley's tail up, and reminding me that I need to relax in the ring-- altho as it turned out I wasn't even in the ring..LOL. </font></font></div>
<div><font size="2"><font face="verdana,sans-serif">I did not stay so I cannot tell you who won this or that class only that Conley, who showed like a pro, head up, tail up (!!!!!) did not, but we did not expect to. I am sure others will be along with the results. </font></font></div>
<div><font size="2"><font face="verdana,sans-serif">Conley's brother was there and they look a lot alike. His sister was not altho the day I was there they were only showing males. I am very proud of Conley-- he did himself proud. He didn't even howl constantly when left in his crate (lots of crate time.)</font></font></div>
<div><font size="2"><font face="verdana,sans-serif">For the Houndophile, there is noplace quite like the Nationals.</font></font></div>
<div><font face="Verdana">Conley, by the way, is glad to be home.</font></div>
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<div><font face="Verdana">MomPerson to Conley, Nigel, Llewis and Cooper</font><font size="2"><font face="verdana,sans-serif"></font></font></div>