<font color='midnightblue' size='2' face='Comic Sans MS, sans-serif'><font color="midnightblue" face="Comic Sans MS, sans-serif" size="2">
<div> Marlene -<br>
<div> Okay woman, listen up. Since you only mentioned how annoyed you were with your five hour stay at the ER and NOT the symptoms which brought you there, I'm flying by the seat of my pants here but five hours to be "observed" with/or after experiencing chest pain/discomfort is actually quit normal. I know it sucks to sit around and wait around for test results but<b> it is the way it is.</b> If your EKG doesn't show anything definitive, they need blood test results in order to determine whether or not you're having a cardiac issue. Although they send them off "stat" it still takes time as your was not the only test they were doing quickly. I'm sure you were on a heart monitor during this time - that's to see if your heart had any irregularities. If a heart is irritable, you could have an irregular or fast heartbeat that can be life-threatening. You said you had a stress test - was everything okay? I sure hope so! <br>
There are lots of things which cause chest discomfort, some cardiac, some not. <u>But, it takes time to sort this out</u>. Trust me, I'm sure if you were grousing they wanted you out (if things were fine) sooner rather than later, LOL. Better to be SAFE than sorry. Bottom line is - we love you, Marlene and want you around to be able to "go Marlene" where in counts, standing up for the houndies. <br>
Sandi, Mamaslave to the NJ4<br>
Daisy, Delilah, Dozer and Dudley<br>
But, also a paramedic <-------who is now stepping down off her soapbox<br>
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