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There are 14 bassets that will be auctioned on October 30th in mexico, mo... We are hoping that other rescues can help take 1-2.... and that we can ask for some donations to "bid" on these unfortunate dogs.. There are over 800 dogs. one of the largest auctions in history. The elderly couple as depicted in the story below nas repeatedly violated USDA standards... with no consequence..<BR>
We are intaking 2 from a mill release tommorrow (and 5 doxies)... but 14 is just way too many for the small groups in the midwest to handle..<BR>
if you can see it in your heart to help, please donate to all ears basset rescue.<BR>
<A href="http://www.allearsbassetsanctuary.org/donations_1.html">http://www.allearsbassetsanctuary.org/donations_1.html</A><BR>
if you are a basset rescue and can take even 1, please email chris dowd <A href="mailto:cdowd20@yahoo.com">cdowd20@yahoo.com</A><BR>
and we will do our best to get the dogs to you safe and sound... <BR>
There is one old male basset 10 years old. a couple 6 years old but the majority ---8 of them born in 2006.... mostly girls. <BR>
please please help..<BR>
<BR>July 13 2010, 6:29 PM CDT<BR><BR>MEXICO, MO (KTVI-FOX2now.com) -- Do you think you could take care of 100 dogs by yourself? Bonnie and Herman Schindler apparently think so. When we tried to visit their breeding facility, the Schindlers pulled up -- then struck our camera with their car. Herman Schindler said, "Get out of here." Investigator Chris Hayes said, "We're on public easement right now. You can't run over a camera." Schindler pointed out the window saying "This is mine." Hayes contended. "This is a county road right here." Both Schindlers shouted. "This is private property."<BR><BR>The complete article can be viewed at:<BR><A href="https://mail.proplanner.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=939452e7dfbe40e38958a5fdce1dff0a&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.fox2now.com%2fnews%2fktvi-fox-files-puppy-mill-mexico-071310%2c0%2c3789775.story" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://www.fox2now.com/news/ktvi-fox-files-puppy-mill-mexico-071310,0,3789775.story</A><BR><BR><BR><BR>Helena Poist Vice President of Marketing and Sales Proplanner.NET ISU Research Park 2321 North Loop Drive Ames, IA 50010 515-296-7526 helena.poist@proplanner.NET<BR><BR><BR> <BR>
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