Hello everyone, yes, we are still around & horribly behind on our drools! Joey & Emma send drool to all those who need it, 2 or 4 leggers!<br><br>This has been the week of maladies! Last week, Joey Hound started picking up a front paw (aka a "hoof" his front paws are HUGE!) and acting in pain, so to the vet's we go. 2 xrays & some meds later & he's all sorted out; apparently he sprained either his shoulder, or his elbow joint. Hopefully he'll NOT do that again!<br>
<br>Then, yesterday, he had a bit of a scuffle w/a cat. It pretty much involved him trying to chase the cat that a lady in our complex lets out (even though the dog owners have asked her to NOT do, as the dogs like to chase it!) and Joey tried to chase it... right down a hill! While still attached by bungy leash to me! He came flying backwards up the hill & got one hind leg caught on some brush. I honestly thought he broke both hind legs at first! If he had, well let's just say I'd have had MORE than a word or two w/the kitty owner! His hind legs are fine, so's his back, even though he did break off the twig in the underbrush that he got stuck in. The only injury was his snooter! Yup, I called my friend freaking out, as there was blood on his face & I was super concerned. Turned out he cut open his nose. Some neosporin & hydrogen peroxide & it's good as new. Not sure if the kitty got him, or if he snagged it in the brush. And, still would like to know why the lady lets her cats out! It's an apartment complex, not a private residence, so impossible to control any factors for the safty of her animals!!<br>
<br>Then, there's today. Emma, aka Little Momma Dog, woke me up @ 9 am w/the "urka urka urkas." she wound up vomiting 3 times by the time we got to the vets @ 10:15. The belly upset is, so far at least, being attributed to a simple case of indigestion, even though it was dinner last night & not breakfast this morning... When talking w/the vet, mentioned that she also may have yucky ears & occasionally limps in her one hind leg. The vetman poked her hip & she yowled something fierce!! Turns out that poor Emma has SEVERE arthritis & a case of hip displaysia. Poor momma dog! But, we've got some meds to knock out the ear issues, belly issues & hopefully get the arthritis pain under control. Her hind legs improves, then she chases the puppies @ the dog park & limpy limpy again. I don't know why she won't just not run around, but that's hounds for you I guess!<br>
<br>Hopefully we can get all of the hounds here sorted out & back to normal in no time!<br><br>-- <br>-Karrie, momma to Joey & Emma & Slater (ATB), Aunty to Checkers, Domino & Crispin (wb)<br><br>Joey's dogster page: <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/637473">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/637473</a><br>