Okay all you wise & knowledgeable drooler, I need some input. My Emma (aka Little Momma Dog) is having some SEVERE arthritis issues. I took her to the vet as she was doing "the hop" badly (read as not wanting to use her hind leg AT ALL) and vet man took some x-rays (a mean feat, considering she rolls over at the drop of a hat!) and said that nothing broken, but she has moderate to severe arthritis with mild to moderate hip displyasia in her hind right hip. So, we have her on low doses of duralactin 2x a day to help manage the pain. So far, there's been some improvement, but this morning has been TERRIBLE! Took her & Joey for a walk at the same time (she's smaller & slower, so I don't do this often) and now she's really limpy again! So much so, that if she's going to get this bad in the winter, I maybe sending her home to my parent's house (no stairs!) for the winters, until she can tolerate the 4-ish stairs to get down to my apartment again. Is there anything you droolers have seen/done/tried to help with arthritis? I know glucosamine & condroitin, but does that help immensely or just slightly?<br>
<br>The 2nd issue is that Joey's had some diarrhea earlier on in the week. He was pretty good, but some accidents were had the last few days when I was at work. I bought some "Resolve" carpet cleaner, & used an entire sprayer of it in less than 48 hrs, and the room still smells like poop! I can't sleep in my bedroom, it's either sleep w/poop smell, or sleep w/chemical smell. Please, tell me someone knows how to get the smell out!!! PLEASE, does anyone know how to get the smell out?? It's mid-term time here, and it's the start of a Michigan winter, so everyone is stressed, but momma really needs her sleep! I've been using "Perfect Solution" which's excellent, but it's a hike to get to the store here that carries it & the big tubs of it are NOT cheap!<br>
<br>Drool to those who need it, and if a little "less arthritis" drool for Emma & "no more diarrhea" drool could be spared for Joey, we'd all greatly appreciate it!<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>-Karrie, momma to Joey & Emma, with Slater (ATB), Aunty to Checkers, Domino & Crispin (wb)<br>
<br>Joey's dogster page: <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/637473">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/637473</a><br><br>