<div>Dis be Rudy da protege'...I was sleeping in my mom's bed last nite cause she can't say 'no' and while I was sleeping da Pwincess LilyGurl poked me in da butt. She let me know that I should be posting to congwatulate some new royalty today. She said she heard about it while floating amongst the royal fluffy clouds at the bridge wif all the pwinces and pwincesses and kings and qweens. So congwatulations to da pwincesses Polly and Penny. You are very beautimus smwart gurls.</div>
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<div>Da Pwincess also poked me some more and toldt me to quit chasin' the wild turkees in my yard. I wanted one for Thanksgibing but she says the momslave is twained to go to the market and fetch a couple home and pop them in the oben all day. One is for the humans and one is for me and da rest of da entourage... Pw LilyGurl pawsonally twained the mom to do this and then she would lay in front of the oben all day guarding it til it was done. </div>
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<div>She was also in charge of samples and graby-tasting. She says us youngsters need to take notes cause the holiday is comin' up. Lilygurl says to remember to stay right there in that kitchen under the slaves feet the whole day snatching up anything falling on the floor. She says we might get lucky and have a careless slave that leaves the room. And she also said one more impawtant thing..."Don't forget the garbage can". I thought to myself...don't worry...I won't forget but I am not wearing the flip-top lid like you did one year!</div>
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<div>So she quit pokin' me and I went back to sleep after I pushed the mom-slave over to the edge of the bed.<br></div>
<div>Yours truley,</div>
<div>Rudy, da protege'...</div>
<div><br>Drool to all in need.<br>Luv and Kissies too.<br>Pwincess LilyGurl ATB , Rudy- Protege to the pwincess, and the rest of the entourage<br><br></div>