<font color='black' size='2' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'>
<div>Dis Brudder Elwood. I bee liddel weak, we gots problums rite here at me home again. Nuffin ebber simple. Brudder Elwood hab to take da reinz in him paws, get da control, my hebbinz, fur a guy whut only gots one brain cell it bee a wurkin obertime.</div>
<div>I tellz you me problum.</div>
<div>It bee Momma. She gotz da sleepin issue. Yup, she do. Why gittin dat lardbutt off da sleepin mattress in da mornin take a crane. Me bowl late, an when it dooze hit da floor---well, anything possibul in dere youze see.</div>
<div>Brudder Elwood gotz da solution, an cause I gotz biggie heart, an biggie lipperflapz, I share me plan. Here we go. Listen up.</div>
<div>Dat rite. Dis solbe whut ailz youze, git you up in da mornin, keep a smile on da snooter all day, and ol lardbutt git me bowl serbed on time.</div>
<div>Brudder Elwood call dis win win.</div>
<div>Now dis da real deal.</div>
<div>Why dem nice folks at MOON DOGGIE COFFEE make wonderful plan wif Droopy Basset Rescue. Donna Funk and Pw Rosie come up wif this special offer whut help da houndies at Droopy Basset Rescue,--dem nice folks--Brudder Elwood sniffy dem beforez-- why iffin you order this specul blend----Rosies Red Dutch Apple Strudel--the rescue gits 40 percent ob da monie. Now dat kibble in da bowl folks, and we all knowz dere bee too many houndies in need, an up dere in Droopy land it git real cold, houndies need liddel extra on da bones in da winter, keep warm, jiggle in da bellie.</div>
<div>So--we gots to help. Order up dat coffe, keep da Momma upright, help da hound.</div>
<div>Now dis how youze do it.</div>
<div>Go to <A href="http://www.moondoggiecoffee.com/purchaseproducts.html">www.moondoggiecoffee.com/purchaseproducts.html</A> --and tell dem Droopy Basset send youze so them wunderful folks git da money. Dat part important. Order lots, dis a good deal on a specul blend. Why dey gots da regular and da unleaded model, an iffin you wants odder kind Droopy still git 20percent. Brudder Elwood screamin WOO HOO on all dis, an me bowl hittin da floor like it should.<br>
<div>Now Brudder Elwood a countin on all ob youze, git dem special cards out and order tonite. </div>
<div>Brew up da good stuff and help a hound!!! <br>
<div style="CLEAR: both"><FONT color=black size=2 face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><FONT color=black size=2 face=arial>
<div>Debbie Winchester <br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to <br>
PW, OEBE Elder Clara, <br>
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds<br>
Elder Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake</div>
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