<div>Cowboy here, wanted to tell ya awl about owr weekend and also have some berry disheartening newz. </div>
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<div>Firs the good stuff. We got to go to 2 dog parks this weekend and we had loads of fun runnin and howlin and whatnot. We also met we moms aunt who libs in Boyzee Idunno and shows Berneez Mowntin Doggies. We didnt get to meet dem dogs, because they still out in Idunno, but we sniffed they mom real good so we pretty much know what dey smell like. </div>
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<div>Onto the bad news. Mom says after 4 years dads finally in agreement wif her to cut off me nutz. I not too heppy bout dis, but she say it needs to be done becuz da vetman says me gots an enlarged prostate and she wants me to lib wif her fur a long long time. As if me nutz not bad enough, say she gonna hav to starve me on wedsday night since i have surgery on thursday. This is so not cool. I can hang wifout da nutz, but no food either?! </div>
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<div>All i gotta say bout all dis is dat there better be some damn good treets and a lotta special lovin when i get home frum me surgery on thursday. And i bettter be able to walk and hump and do everything that i can already do or i am not gonna be a heppy hound. </div>
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<div>Rupert told me he lost hiz own nutz right before mom and dad adopted him and he say it not too bad, but i dunno if i trust the old lug, or if he jus sayin that. Guess i better go hump him and get it all outta me system jus in case i lose the ability to annoy the hell outta him. bwahahaha</div>
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<div>lub and drool,</div>