<div>Healing drool for Honey and her cataracts, for Pw. Gus' back and nosebleed (Pw Gus, no scaring your mom that way with two disasters in one week!), and for Alice and her anxiety. And Cowboy, we'll start sending the healing drool your way Thursday after your surgery. We are so glad to hear that Mr. Cooper Sir and Copper are doing better, and will be slinging drool until everyone is out of the woods there.</div>
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<div>We're sending plenty of drool, and biscuit money too for poor Riley. I saw on the Firstgiving page today that the shelter that turned him over to Looziana Basset Rescue is declining to press cruelty charges against his owners -- unbelievable. Thank heavens he has the wonderful people at the Rescue caring for him now, and I am so glad to see that he is improving.</div>
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<div>Congratulations Stachie, Lena, and Ouija on your great showings at the dog show. It sounds like a good time was had by all, including the Virginia Beach hounds.</div>
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<div>Congratulations Pw. Dame Penny and Pw. Polly -- excellent choosing as always from Qw. Pawtunia.</div>
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<div>The bassets are sending drool and I'm praying for Marlene's brother -- I hope the surgery goes well and they can get all of the cancer.</div>
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<div>Welcome Rose the basset-lab mix -- how fortunate you were to be found by your new people!</div>
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<div>Happy birthday Annie Belle and Bubba! And Happy Gotcha Day to Bunny, Sophie, and Gabe! And Bon Voyage to Freddy and Scooby!</div>
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<div>Finally, it's good to hear that Fiona's ear infection is better -- that was a terrible one! Laura (Geoffrey, Henry, Molly, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>