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I've been back home for a week now, and am enjoying having the boys with me again. They go back to Daphneyland for a week on Saturday, but we have a few more days to relax. Zuma and Kahuna have been lounging around and old Fred is up and around, going in and out, investigating the trash, laundry, groceries, etc. Fred starts quite early in the morning and the younger two roll over, moan, and beg me to install a snooze button on old Fred. Now that he's feeling better, Fred is part Energizer Bunny. So much for that "senior" stuff. When I picked him up last week, Fred gave me a quick kiss then ran to the car and paced until I loaded him up - and I'd been wondering if he'd even remember that he really lives with me, since he's spent so much time at Daphneyland. He was ready to drive himself home when he tired of waiting for us to round up Zuma and Kahuna. He did yell at me for about 2 hours when he first came home then, after I told him to put a sock in it, settled onto his cushy bed that is his favorite nap spot. Fred is eating hard treats now, and gobbles his kibble, so he's figured out that he can eat without pain, and eats as much as he can get his paws on. Since I'm off working again next week, we'll do something for a late Thanksgiving when I get home. We will give thanks to be back together again.<br><br>Much drool to Mr. Cooper, Riley, Copper and all the rest I have been reading about. I know Daphenyland is quiet with the successful travels of Freddy and Scooby, so my boys can help keep things lively for Dawn next week.<br><br>Snooters and belly rubs all around!<br>Synthia, Zuma (turn him off!), Kahuna (can't he tell time?), Old Fred (Up and At'em! Time's a'wasting!)<br> </body>