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<DIV>momma out fur tree hours to day clenin up doze leefs, we gotz BIGGIE
back yard, momma taught dat we hab no more leefs coz we had all dem tree cut
down last year dat hab dat green bug in dem, momma wuz excited no moor
leebs, HA guess again. dat wind blow from da north den it blow frum
da south and we gotz leebs !!!!!!! momma worked all dey clenin dem lleebs den da
gran daddy ob dem kids next door he cum ober and he blows all dem leebs under
our fence back into mommas yard ! mooma hab enouff, first she deal wif dem crazy
people who cant park dere cars now her gotz ta deal wif dat old grand daddy so
momma go get daddy leef moochie big blower so she gib it a
crank nuttin, she pull it again nuttin, so she gib it nudder crank put put
put vroooooommm it died momma sez S*** ! so she gib it anudder
crank, vroooooommm put put put it died again she gets her old
blind lady glasses on read directions, sez she hab to prime it !!!! den she
sez prime my A** she gib it a kick den she start talkin to dat
moochine an she tell it dat it better start dis time or she going to blow it up
and you nose what dat moochie started on da first crank
vroooooom !!!!!!!</DIV>
<DIV>so momma go ober by da fence and she dun blow all dem leebs righ back under
dat fence and den she just stand dere and dare dat old man to blow dem
back. mee and Maggie be glad wen daddy cum home coz we be tired tryin ta
keep momma out ob trouble diz women need attitude adjustment fur sure! she gotz
scrambled brains </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Evil Annie and Maggie Wags </DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>