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<div><br>We heer (me an Llewis) heer (Oh all right. And Conley) heer dat li'l Gracie one sik pup. We be droolin up a storm for she.</div>
<div>MomPerson gots da chickie out an wavin it aroun. Whoo-- don slip in dat puddel, Conley.</div>
<div>Uncle Cooper he eben droolin some tho it hard to tell weffer it from da medzine or da chic I TAKES IT BEKE I TAKES IT BEKE SEDDLE DOWN I TEKES IT BEKE...</div>
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<div>Jeeesh. He a touchy boy dese days!!</div>
<div>Enyways we sujjest everbuddy send some drool to Lil Gracie Lindy. She need it.</div>
<div>An hugs to she Mama.</div>
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<div>Lub and drool to Gracie</div>
<div>Nigel, Llewis, Conley an eben Cooper</div></font></font>