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Elvis woofin' in... Yes I will be waddling in Ohio soon! OK so it is more of a drag, but it still counts!<BR>
Folks have been very kind in ordering labels so that we can bring moolah for the OH hounds. One special auntie seems to reeally want the advent calendar on houndsbay- thank you!<BR>
I hope to see some of my fellow hounds at the mini waddle. This will likely be my last event- spring is a long time off...and well it's not a secret that I am on the extended warranty already. If you can't be there- feel free to send OH moolah in my name- or just send it to me and I'll bring it with me. I've been told many times that I am the sweetest little guy- if that's not reason enough I don't know what is?<BR>
So come waddle with me and my buddy Chunkers and Olivia too!<BR>
woof~ Elvis!<BR>
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