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<div><font size="2"><font face="verdana,sans-serif"><em><strong>Please note: Dogs can and DO get pancreatitis from the most innocent of people foods. Dogs that are not used to people food, dogs that have had pancreatitis before, dogs known to have IBD: these should NEVER GET PEOPLE FOOD.</strong></em></font></font></div>
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<div><br>That said, my dogs always get turkey and usually some veggies. No dark meat. It's too greasy and besides, it's mine. None of mine have ever had pancreatitis or IBD or other major digestive problems. Also I have been lucky. Our first Basset could not eat ANYTHING other than dog food and for a long time was on KD. Even biscuits were iffy.</div>
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<div>Anytime you feed your dog people food you are taking a risk. You know your dogs. Treat accordingly.</div>
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<div>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis, Conley and Cooper</div>