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<DIV>Yep she dun gib us both a baff ta day so we can sit in our
Happy Thanksgiving Crates and smell dat TURKEY ! she dun gon ober da edge
of no return !!!!!!! bwahahaha why be be lookin fur dem wine corks coz her
bin sniffin sumtin A Baff ! nobudy take no baff in da winter
time momma a cork short and a snort too late !!!!!!</DIV>
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<DIV>Nigel, Llewis and Conley sir, you cum on ober to our house and you can stay
in dat puter room wif us all dey tomorrow and smell dat turkey aroma
coming under da door, dat crazy women sez we only get one sniff !ONE little
sniff ! sniiiiffffffffffffffffff
dats enough ! now go to your crates !</DIV>
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<DIV>Marlene or yes and those other two too !</DIV>
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<DIV>PS both my sons are professional bartenders and they told
me that there is a thing called Cork Rot in wine so I just thought that I
would sacrifice myself and do a taste test to make sure my wine
didn't have cork rot. I wouldn't want to serve my guess bad
wine Bwahahahahaha !!!! Im suh a good hostess ! HA !</DIV>