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We are sending drool to anyone who needs it. We can always muster up lots of drool. <BR>
I am no basset expert and not a breeder either. But............I have been owned by two beautiful basset sisters that came to us as puppies. And yes, we bought them. I believe the breeder was a responsible one, but I have no proof. Still, they were our first bassets and they were the most wonderful girls. We got Sassy when she was eight weeks old. She was the runt. The breeder told us we should not take her because she would be a pain. We did and she was a pain. She was beautiful but very homesick. She did not like being away from her siblings. We were very ignorant about bassets. She cried, she wouldn't eat, she got into everything. In other words, she was a typical puppy. I cooked for that girl and she had the gaul to throw most of it up. The breeder cooked for her dogs too. We realized that she was lonely. Sassy was at the bottom of the pile in a box when we came to see her. Every time they were pulled out, Sassy got in the box and everyone else piled in on top. <BR>
A month later, we couldn't take it any more and went back to the breeder. We went to get her sister, Daisy. I had wanted Daisy to begin with but the DH liked Sassy's coloring better. Daisy was almost all black and white. She was twice as big as Sassy by this time. She was an absolute doll. Very sweet and cuddly and as round as she was long. Sassy was in heaven visiting her old home but when Daisy came with us, she perked up and was so much happier. Daisy ate everything in sight. We had to hold her back so Sassy could eat. Sass didn't care. Eventually Sass became the dominant one. <BR>
The girls were inseparable. They slept curled up together, ate together, and escaped together on numerous occasions. AND they fought like sisters. They were the best and worst of friends. When they got mad, they really got mad. They would even draw blood on occasion. When it was over, they went back to being best buds. I loved those girls. And I miss them terribly. Daisy died in December of 1995. She was 12 1/2. Sassy was never the same. We got her Sherlock to cheer her up. She hated him. Sassy lived another 6 months. She was 13 when she died. They were my heart dogs. They were my kids before I had kids. They were still my kids after I had kids. My boys learned to love bassets by living with these girls. <BR>
I would do it all over again. Get sisters or brothers if the chance came up. What I wouldn't give to hold them and stroke their fur one more time. I'll just have to hug the ones I'm with. <BR>
JUlie with Nnja, Marley, Maggie, Shelby and the sleepy kitty boys<BR> </body>