<div>After completing her first week home trial, our little foster girl's new family has decided that she's a keeper. There was never too much doubt in our mind that they would completely fall in love with Angel but there is still a lot of puppy in that little girl and not everyone is up for that. I always get a little misty every time I send off a foster to their new home but I loved the way Angel's new mom was with her from the moment they met and I didn't feel nearly as bad as I thought I would. Jeanne sat right on the ground and pulled Angel into her arms immediately. You could tell that her heart was open and she was prepared to love this little hound from minute one. You can't ask for anything more than that for a hound!</div>
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<div>I know all of you are probably sick to death of seeing videos of our BaRCSE buppies but I just can't help myself! They get cuter by the minute and D and Don have been terrific about sharing them with all of us. Here is another video of all of them playing: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IkVQu1O1-A" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IkVQu1O1-A</a> I can't tell you how grateful BaRCSE is to everyone who has stepped up and been a part of taking care of this little family. It has been a tremendous amount of work for the volunteers who have fostered these little guys and their mom and they have done a tremendous job giving these little guys a good start. BaRCSE has a couple of families who are a little disappointed right now. They were hoping to take the puppies home for Christmas but the pups are too little to be spayed/neutered so their new families will have to wait and start the New Year with a new puppy. The wait will be worth it.</div>
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<div>Jane & the Houndettes</div>
<div>Jersey, Shadow, Suzy & Ginger</div>