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We wish everyone a Lovely Christmas evening and a great holiday season. We are all snoozing here. The girls have romped in the snow several times. Even Shelby went out three times and had a cold sit. She is still not walking. Just dragging and standing with a couple steps. She is in good spirits. She can get anywhere she wants to. She is one determined old girl. She finds the food bowl without fail. It is breaking my heart to watch her pull herself around but it doesn't phase her. The fact that she is blind makes her more amazing. I just hope she feels as good as she acts. She has gone out and talked to the neighborhood dogs even today, snowy butt and all. Ninja got a nice walk with the boyslave but found out she didn't like waking through snow taller than she is. She is a couch potato supreme. Marley got time to explore the front yard off leash. She is a very well behaved girl that way. Not so Ninja or Maggie. Mags had to be content with tearing open the garden fence, trying to take down the wooden fence and really, really, really wanting to have a go at the dogs next door. She is just like a short bull moose. Nothing much stops her when she wants something. <BR>
Yesterday, I took everything off of my coffee table so we could put presents on it today. It usually has stuff on it. Ninja thought we had cleared her a stage. Not two minutes after the last magazine was off, she was on. There must have been a spotlight somewhere because it sure looked like she was posing. She has been on it several times. It is very low, just made for basset modeling. Ninja is the queen diva. <BR>
The sixteen paws here are hoping everyone is enjoying their day with warmth, full bellies, and humans or bassets to meet every need. I guess we could count the cat paws but they have chosen to absent themselves from the festivities. <BR>
Ninja, Marley, Maggie, Shelby and the Mom<BR> </body>