<font size="2"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">Hello Drool Family<br><br>I heard from the vet this am. Unfortunately, Arnie is doing about the same. Cathy and I are heartbroken, and we are faced with many very upsetting realities.<br>
<br>PLEASE NOTE: Cathy and I have read all of the emails and DD posts that we have gotten. We are so grateful for all of the love and support that we have been shown by all of you. You are all the best. I am very afraid. I fear that no matter what we do, someone will be angry at us. <br>
<br>All I know is what we have been told. The veternary school in Denver has started to advise that vets not use prednisone, due to the very bad side effects. They are also very concerned that if they take Arnie off of the Rymadil, that his pain will become unbearable. Rigyht now, his pain is under control. He just is unable to walk, or use his hind legs. (Please forgive my tyos, I'm crying so hard that I cannot see)<br>
<br>This is all my fault. If I wasn't sick, we could bring him home right now, and let him rest here. I am unable to pick him up, or help him out, I'm sorry. <br><br>I had an in home medical procedure yesterday that went bad, and I am in constant pain. Please be patient with me.<br>
<br>Cathy and I are limited in our ability to do what some of you have suggested due to many factors:<br><br>1. </font></font><font size="2"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">The following is not an excuse for anything, it's just a reality to our situation.</font></font><font size="2"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"> Most of you know, but some do not. I have a brain tumor, I am on oxygen, I am in a wheelchair, I have a supra pubic catheter, and I have COPD. <br>
<br>2. We are unable to take him to a holistic or alternative vet due to financial reasons. The vet that we have now is so good to us. He gives us discounts, and he allows us tp make payments. We are still trying to pay off the emergency bill that we aquired when the neighbor (we assume) fed him something that almost killed him due to hemoragic diareah. I got screamed at once by a DD member when I said that I trusted my vet. <br>
<br>3. Cathy has a grandma that is ailing, and we have a child with a mental illness that require some extra help sometimes. I love my wife more than anything in this world (besides the Lord), and I feel guilty that I am a burden to her. I know that my illness has a dramatic impact on her life. She doen't complaign, that is not what I mean.However, there is only so much she canb do to. She works full time, she is a full time caretaker for me, she takes care of the animals, ..and I just lost my tain of thought. Sorry. I was going somewhere with this.....I lost it.--<br>
<br>The plan is this: Cathy is working late tomight, and she will go pick up Arnie in the morning. We will bring him home, and see how he does until Monday. One day at a time.<br><br>I don't think that I could stand it if I thought that one of you were mad at us. I apologize in advance, the tumor is in the part of my brain that controls my emotions. Please don't flame me, or scream at me. <br>
<br>We are doing the best we can, with what we have. And it's not enough. I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say. I love you all, and I'm sorry that my illness has an impact on every decision that we make. <br>
<br>No One is in a hurry to put Arnie down. Thank you for the Drool. <br><br></font></font><font size="2"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">Houndie Hugs and Snooter Kisses from the Caspaw Cwew!<br><br>In Drool,<br>
<br>Babe: <a href="http://dogster.com/dogs/261208" target="_blank">dogster.com/dogs/261208</a><br>Boomer: <a href="http://dogster.com/dogs/235129" target="_blank">dogster.com/dogs/235129</a><br>
Arnie: <a href="http://dogster.com/dogs/281040" target="_blank">dogster.com/dogs/281040</a><br>Shannon (an absolute, total, complete BassetCase) <br>Facebook: <a href="http://facebook.com/shannon.r.gerdel" target="_blank">facebook.com/shannon.r.gerdel</a><br>
MySpace.com/shannongerdel</font></font><br><font size="2"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><br clear="all"></font></font>Mr. Shannon R. Gerdel<br>3583 Meadowlark Drive<br>Casper, WY<br>82604<br><a href="mailto:bassethoundbutler@gmail.com" target="_blank">bassethoundbutler@gmail.com</a><br>
(307) 472-0163<br>