<div>Rudy...whom we rescued at a very early age came equipped with an 'ear habit'...He would swing his head back and forth until he caught one of his ears in his mouth. Then he would suck on it. Now he is a big boy with puppy brains (the brown truck still hasn't stopped here) and he just hangs his head over the arm of the chair or the seat cushion he is enthroned on...and swings his head back and forth until he catches an ear. And he sucks on it. </div>
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<div>I know his real life sister, Izzy Vogel (busy iZZZy) does not do this. And I also know LilyGurl, da pwincess, would have said that ears are for storing dried up gravies on.</div>
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<div>But you will always know who Rudy is...the one with the sticky, gooey, wet ears!<br><br>Drool to all in need.<br>Luv and Kissies too.<br>Pwincess LilyGurl ATB , Rudy- Protege to the pwincess, and the rest of the entourage<br>