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Hi! Dis Daisy Bewwe spokeshoundette ob da Thundering Herd. Molly (owr senior Basset sister) was tewwing us dat meny years ago, when herz was young, herz and Tinkerbewwe (ATB) had a weinie dog brudder named Weinie Man (ATB). One dey himz wuz in da beke yard and discobered a chipmonster in da wood pile (dere were terrorists eben back den). Himz twied berry berry hard to capture da chipmonster, but when him was about to get it, it must hab punched him in da nose or somefing and got away. Him had a noze bleed and da swaves tuked him to da vetman. Dey were afraid him had a splinter or sumfing up himz nose, but him didn't. So be berry careful iffen yu trap one ob dese chipmonsters, dey might punch you in da nose and make it bleed. Owr noses are berry preshus to us hounds.<BR>
Daisy Bewwe<BR>
(Hi, Conley, my lub! Dis is Buddercup, your liddel flour! Hope yu is doing gud and holding up yur tail in da show ring! Lub and soft snooters, Buddercup.)<BR> </body>