All, <br><br>Both Tammy & I (+Riley & Edgrrr) can't cannot begin to express our gratitude to all the folks who help rescue, and heal Riley. Prayers, good vibes, time, personal sacrifice as well as money for his extensive all helped him begin his new life. Of course Leslie Wallace devoted her home, time &personal energy to helping Riley as well; she'll forever be his Godmother. Each & everyone who helped Riley is a Saint in my book. I'm sure if Riley could type he'd be expressing his gratitude a s well. <br>
<br>Right now, Riley is laying on his own bed in our downstairs "Man Cave", and listening to the blues. <br><br>We've finally made some video of Riley (& Edgrrrr - he's the larger of the two in the video) that'd I'd like to share with everyone. <br>
<br>Riley & Edgrrr are already acting like brothers & have playtime every night after we take them for thier evening constitutional. They're think as thieves!<br><br>If anyone has any particular question or wants to check in on Riley, just let me know. I've been thinking about setting up a Riley/Edgrrr cam!<br>
<br>Anyway, here's link to a video I uploaded this evening:<br><br><a href="">Fun with Edgrrr & Riley</a><br><br>-James<br>