I've never tried ginger snaps butI have noticed that dogs who get very
sick when riding loose or seatbelted into the back seat, do just fine
traveling in a crate. Not sure why, but it seems to work.<br /><br
/>I've also used dramamine with some success. does make them a bit
loopy for a while though. We used one tablet for a 75 - 85#
otterhound. Just FYI but otterhounds are very entertaining when they
are loopy<br /><br />crazy basset lady<br />MAKE DROOL NOT WAR <br /><br
/>Please take time to visit these websites: <br />Rebec Bassets at <br
/>www.rebecbassets.com <br />Basset Buddies Rescue, Inc. at
www.bbrescue.org <br /><br />